Personality type: INFJ.
A lot of people think I’m an extrovert, but I’m actually an outgoing introvert.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by. I’m Crystina aka Bobbie. I love writing, though I’m not very good at it and am still trying to find my voice when putting pen to paper, or thoughts to keyboard in this case. Depending on my mood, this will vary considerably. Most of my posts will be about food, faith and fitness.
My husband and I got married on 9/1/19 (1st September 2019), but we had our wedding celebration with friends and family on 02/22/20 (22nd February 2020), just before the pandemic hit America. We do not take this great blessing for granted and thank God for it all. This photo sums up our relationship pretty well:

“Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.” – E. L. Doctorow.
Maybe you’ll learn something about me. Hopefully I’ll learn something about myself. Please leave me a note, I’d love to learn about you too. Perhaps we can learn together? Welcome to my little droplet in the vast expanse of Internet ocean!
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