It’s the September edition, so why am I posting this on the 1st October? Well, because I’m a lazy, procrastinating bum. That’s the actual, genuine reason. I have no excuse, I’ve just been lazy and addicted to YouTube videos again. Time for another entertainment ban for myself I think.
Anyways, shortly after I posted the August Edition, I planted AvoWCA:

It was really interesting to see close ups of the inside of the avocado seed growing. I didn’t want to leave its broken root growing in water for too long so into a little pot it went. With this, AvoTMN upgraded to its own ramekin because I moved the ginger shoot to AvoWCA‘s old one. Then guess who showed up?
That’s right: AvoIDontHaveSpaceForYou (AvoIDHSFY) and AvoGonnaStartAnAvoFarmIGuess (AGSAAFIG). Obviously, since AGSAAFIG is now the youngest, he gets to share with lil ol’ ginger shoot.