I don’t really know how to begin. Even with ‘challenge’ in the title you can clearly see that I have skipped days. I have continued to think upon and have devotionals, but I have not written them publicly.
There has been a few things on my heart lately, but mostly I continue to be in awe of the God I serve. Delighting in the Trinity is one of those books that is really helping me to piece together the fragments of knowledge that I’ve collected about the Trinity over the years, and bring them together to form a deeper understanding and far greater appreciation for who God is.
Finally I’m able to better understand what John meant when he wrote “God is love” in 1 John 4, and better understand the Person of the Holy Spirit, and better understand how everything God does comes from Him being love… and how all of that is dependent on God being Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The doctrine of the Trinity is fundamental to Christian beliefs; I’ve always known this, but never truly studied it. I have indeed been very blessed by studying this book with my Wednesday women’s group.
I had a really lovely time of devotion this morning as well… it really had been a while since I’ve had a deeper devotional time. I can’t quite explain the multitude of emotions I felt from it but I can tell you it was something I’d been in desperate need of for some time.
Despite some things creeping up and causing me to feel a little anxious every now and again, I’m filled with gratitude today. I felt such a strong sense of peace and comfort this morning. I know my God is in control; I just need to focus on being Kingdom-minded.
Heavenly Father,
I don’t have the words to express my gratitude towards You or how in awe of You I am of You. Your majesty and beauty leaves me breathless. Indeed, pages upon pages of psalms are written to praise You and yet they still barely scratch the surface of how truly awesome You are. You have invited me in to the fellowship of the Trinity through the indwelling of Your Spirit. Oh that I could be gifted with words, to write a love letter that would be remotely worthy of describing You. Blessed be Your name, O Lord. May You and You alone be glorified.
Soli Deo gloria,