I’ve been terrible with taking photos lately because I’ve been spending as much time as I possibly could enjoying the prescence of friends who have been kind enough to arrange farewell coffees/dinners/drinks with me.
A while back I was stressing so bad about logistics of moving that I hadn’t been able to just enjoy my last few weeks in the UK, but thankfully offers of practical help have been pouring in from Christian brothers & sisters in LA, making everything a lot easier to cope with. I don’t have everything sorted, but I have everything I need.
And when I announced that I was leaving soon, the number of private messages I received from friends wishing me well, arranging to meet etc. was beyond what I had ever dared to hope for.
In the past week, I literally do not remember having a single meal alone. The next sequence of (iPhone) pics & selfies will only offer a faint idea of all the love I’ve been showered with recently, but they will be enough for me to look back and reflect on with fondness forever.
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