I just made this.
I followed this recipe for the potato, using Yukon Gold potatoes that I washed and dried well. I baked it for 2 hours to start, took it out and cut deeper into the cross and put it back in for 10mins. I slathered it in non-dairy butter, threw some spring mix on the side and also made a tuna mayo sweetcorn filling.
For the filling: tuna, mayo, sweetcorn, salt & pepper to taste.
For a hefty filling for 3 medium-sized potatoes, I used approx: 1.5 cans of Costco Albacore, 3/4 can of Costco canned sweetcorn, a teaspoon of salt, half a tablespoon of pepper, and 2 heaped spoonfuls of mayonnaise.
It may be the best meal I’ve had since I’ve come to America so far. It tasted incredible…
It tasted like home.
Sorry the photo isn’t better, I just couldn’t wait to eat it while it was hot and the filling was cold.
When Jacky arrived home I filled one of his potatoes with the same filling as mine, and slathered the other one with butter then topped it with sour cream and spring onions.

So delicious.
Muchos love,