Hello, it’s me, Rory. I’m back again in this next instalment of trying to find me my new favourite food. I know you’ve all been waiting for this with bated breath so I’m here to put you out of your misery. You’re welcome.

So where were we? Oh, yes. Well, after mum gave me that delicious tuna dish the first time I thought dad was going to give me some at breakfast the next day. I was so eccitedddd!!
Well, you can imagine my dismay when all I got was my usual Kiwi wet food and some mushy freeze-dried food mum gave me. It was mushy because mum added water, but mainly because it mostly mushy pieces of the new packet of food that came out of the automatic feeder last night along with crumbs of the previous packet.
The new packet mum opened felt softer and the pellets were just falling apart as they hit the bowl. Mum thought the pellets should have held their shape better and crumbled too easily. There were so many crumbs in this packet from the very start and it felt wetter than the previous one. She didn’t want to give it to me but dad said it smelled fine.
I didn’t even finish it. Did they think they could get away with giving me crummy leftovers? How rude! I also didn’t finish my Kiwi food at first, but after running around then resting for a bit I went back and ate it all. But then all of a sudden I didn’t feel so good…
I’m not sure if the food was bad or I just ate too much (shouldn’t have gone for seconds!) but I ended up throwing up in the bathroom. Mum got so worried and was thinking of returning this packet of freeze-dried food if I got sick again. Dad thought I just ate too much and shouldn’t have gone back for seconds because I was still my hyper self but mum thought it might be this packet of freeze-dried food.
I’ve been eating a little less for breakfast anyway lately, and didn’t finish my breakfast the day before either. I’m over 8 months old now so my appetite’s just naturally declining, my poor mum and dad are such n00b pet parents they have no idea. I’m not going to tell them though because I want them to keep giving me lots of food. I looove food. Darn that small stomach of mine!
They still decided to feed me less and monitor me for the rest of the day though. Noooo! My foooood…
But ugh. I did not have a good day. It had to have been that ‘new’ packet of freeze-dried food. I threw up again after I had it for my afternoon snack. Mum freaked out when she and dad got home and realised I’d thrown up again. They opened a new packet of freeze-dried food that looked much better (like the first packet again) and gave me some because they thought I should have food to replenish what I’d thrown up.
I tentatively ate it all but I still wasn’t feeling too good… Less than 2hrs later I threw it all up again ><
Mum and dad got so scared they started calling the emergency vet and messaging the adoption lady for help. The emergency vet told mum and dad not to feed me anything for the rest of the night so my stomach could settle down so I didn’t get my usual dinner. I just wanted my tuna but I felt so sick I couldn’t stomach anything anyway ;_;
Mum and dad were going to take me to the vet if I couldn’t keep food down again this morning. I was already feeling better by last night though and boy was I hungry! They gave me a tiny piece of my freeze-dried chicken treats and the smallest sliver of my Kiwi wet food. I mean, it was so smol I could have inhaled it in one breath! Mum made sure I ate it slowly though.
They thanked God when I didn’t throw it up. Well, I wasn’t about to, was I? I was sooo hungry.
They only gave me HALF of my normal portion of food this morning. They only gave me the Kiwi wet food just in case, but did they not know I was HUNGRY? Well, I guess I couldn’t blame them for being cautious. I’m glad mum had the sense to feed me a bit more 2hrs later, then again a couple of hours after that.
Then I finally got the rest of my Tiki Cat Tuna & Pumpkin! I love that food so much. I started eating it as soon as mum brought it down and didn’t stop until I finished every. last. drop. Every last drop! I can’t wait until I get more of that again. I didn’t get any at all yesterday because I was sick.
They’re feeding me every couple of hours and monitoring me to make sure I don’t throw up again. Good thing it’s President’s Day so dad’s home looking after me as well. They cancelled all their plans to stay home for me, as they should because I am queen, after all. I suppose I also love them for their sacrifice…
So far they’ve actually given me more food than I usually get hehee. I would say I should get sick more often to get more food, but I don’t want to do that again thank you.
The day’s not over yet but I’m already feeling better so don’t worry too much, okay? Mum’s already cried enough for all of you. She’s definitely going to return that bag of Stella & Chewy’s freeze-dried food and will never feed me any of their food that looks like that again. I’ll let you know if I get sick again, but God’s got me, and my parents are taking care of me. I wouldn’t mind more prayers for recovery though.
Okay that’s it! Mum said that if I can eat as normal the rest of the day then I can finally try one of those new Tiki Cat cans tomorrow. Oh please, please, please tummy behave. I am dying to have more tuna.
See you next time, byeee!