First things first: don’t ask about the Alchemy of Souls ep 19-20 review. It makes me ragey and I’m still not ready to talk about it.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let me tell you where I’ve been! We went to Seattle from 31 Aug – 5 Sept. Yes, I bought the new Holo Taco Dark Rainbow Collection while on vacation. I woke up early to join Cristine’s launch live stream to get a better idea of the colours before making a final decision to purchase. Now I’m waiting with bated breath for my new nail polish to arrive. I’ll probably write about it once it does.
I plan to go into greater detail about our lovely trip to Seattle but here are a few highlights:
Obviously I only ever post the most flattering photos of myself…

Pahahaha. We had the most fun and thoroughly enjoyed our 6 days there. We bought a CityPass and it was very, very worth it! I’m excited to share it all with you. Of course I’ll be posting more super flattering photos of us. We got back very late on Labour Day and I have more or less been resting at home since.
It’s been a bit stressful since we’ve had a major heatwave and ended up with an army of ants in our living space/kitchen making a beeline for Rory’s food. Poor Rory woke up to ants crawling over her food bowl that I had to wake up early to get rid of, and they’d be gone during the day but be right back in the evening.
It finally drove me nuts enough to call HOA to take care of it, and apparently – albeit unsurprisingly – we were far from the only ones who’d been calling about ants inside homes.
The ants are now gone, yay! But when I wasn’t killing ants I was preparing for this…

Oh hey that’s a new belt colour! :D I may also post an update about this too, but it’s been a great September so far.
Muchos love,