Alrighty! So slight update of my schedule: I’m actually not going to start Chloe’s next challenge until 23rd May because my schedule will be busy for the first half of next week, one of my teammates will be busy for the second half of next week, and our final teammate’s current challenge ends on 21st May. So starting the week after works out perfectly for all of us.
That does mean that I have two weeks left before I start something else… I have already committed to doing week 4 of this IRON series so I’m going to continue, but we’ll see what happens next week. I might take a week off so my body can rest, but I’m also loving working out so much these days that I don’t want to take a week off.
I definitely won’t have time to exercise on 16/17th May, but we’ll see what happens after. I might finish off next week with her Beginner EPIC again, or just pick and choose which 3 IRON week 5 videos that I want to do. Regardless, this week, my schedule will look like this:
Day 15 | Day 23 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Rest | Day 19 | Rest |
Since I’ve already done day 16 during a prior week, I’m going to replace it with next week’s hamstring/glute workout so I can still get my hamstring workout in. Without further ado, let’s get into it!
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