It was bound to happen, I suppose, that there would be a day I didn’t add a devotional despite ‘challenging’ myself to. I don’t really have an excuse, my priorities were off – I was distracted by Twitch, YouTube and Discord and the day disappeared.
I did read Bible yesterday, in that I was reading/re-reading Hebrews 7-8 for recording purposes. But I don’t know if I really took time to reflect on what I was reading. In addition, I was not satisfied with any of my reading takes so eventually gave up. (I did complete the recording today though.)
Today I also re-read most of Ephesians as part of Friday fellowship in the evening (very fitting that one of the themes is unity during times like this). There is a lot to think upon, but primarily I am taking time to really consider if I am being a good ambassador for Christ or living a godly life.
Can people tell that I live for Someone greater than myself? Am I even living for Someone greater than myself? Do my words reflect the love of Christ? Does my heart reflect that of one forgiven from their many sins? Do I show grace the way I am shown grace? If I’m honest, I think the answer a lot of the time is ‘no’.
Lord Jesus,
I am sorry that I so often forget You in my life. Though You are to be the centre of my life and being, so often I place You as an afterthought. Yet without You I would have no life. Lord, I thank You that You continue to convict and bring me back before Your presence. I thank You for dying on the cross for my sins… You suffered the sinner’s death that I deserved and gifted me grace that I do not deserve and could never earn.
Lord, please, please, please do not let me continue to take it for granted. Do not let me go a day without kneeling before You and remembering Your sacrifice, Lord. Let my heart be filled with gratitude for Your love, let that love flow outwards in my attitude towards others as well. King Jesus, You are highly exalted above the heavens… please take your rightful place as King of my heart. May I live for you.
Lord, please give me an eagerness for the spread of Your Kingdom and Your gospel. Grant me a heart for the lost as You care for them. Grant me eyes to see how to reach out to them in a loving way. Grant me a heart that loves those whom You love, especially my brothers and sisters, with whom I am reconciled by your blood and have unity with by Your Spirit.
In the wake of the election, I still pray that regardless of what the result is, that those who call themselves Christians – especially myself – will respond in a manner that is glorifying to You. May You and You alone be glorified. Amen.
Soli Deo gloria,