Now that I’m finally no longer feeling paralysed over life, I finally put together a little design for a weekly March spread. It’s spring so I just drew with that in mind.

I really like how it turned out :) The ink materials I used are pictured. The Mildliner Brush pens I got from are still on sale for $22.98 so if you’re interested, now is still the best time to buy them. The Paper Mate pens I used are these ones but they’re very much optional.
I used my favourite Muji ball point pen for the calendar dates, and this is also the pen I use for writing all my tasks and the weekly contents of my bullet journal too. I didn’t even use a pencil for this one, or have any particular designs in mind, so I’m really glad it just worked out.
I realise that most people put their bullet journal designs up in advance, but… ah well. I’m not a trend-setter anyway lol.
Muchos love,