Oh my gosh, had, like, the worst day of my life two years ago…


I realised I never really shared our wedding photos or wedding video. In all honesty, I rarely look at our wedding photos and still haven’t watched our wedding video that our friends lovingly prepared for us. We’d been meaning to watch it with them, but COVID hit and we basically didn’t get the video until maybe half a year after the wedding, after which I stopped feeling a desire to watch it.
The day lives on so preciously in my memory that I’m scared that watching the video or looking at the photos will make me realise all the things I’d forgotten to plan or notice small decor items that I’d forgotten about, and I worry that it might upset me. But most of all I now realise there were so many people we’d forgotten to invite (or at least, I’d forgotten to invite and wish I had invited).
At the time, I was very overwhelmed with wedding planning, and I was still dealing with major burnout from work. We had a tight(er) budget, COVID was becoming a scary problem, and I only had 5mo to plan it out from beginning to end. I thank God for our superstar wedding coordinator who basically sorted 90% of it for me, and I also thank God that I was laid off from my job 5mo before the wedding so that I actually had time to do the planning, but there are still moments when I feel like maybe I should have done better.
But at the end of the day, I know that it all worked out according to God’s plan. We had decided that our biggest goal for the wedding was to glorify to Him and celebrate our guests, because we wanted to thank them for the impact they’ve had in our lives. We barely had any photos of us (only 2 silly photos from ‘engagement shoots’ done by friends that, again, I never really shared photos of), and our ceremony hall was decorated with scripture verses so that the focus would be on Christ.
We had a gospel-centred message and praise songs throughout. I walked the aisle to a piano rendition of “New Jerusalem” by Stream of Praise, and the actual song version was used for our first dance. We had two of our favourite praise songs during the ceremony and ended the night with “The Lion and the Lamb” by Big Daddy Weave.
One day I’ll look through all the photos again and watch the video with Jacky, and we’ll share a lot more. But for now, I hope the few I’ve shared here are enough to show a sense of how casual we were about our own wedding. I swear every other photo is one of us being somewhat silly. Part of me wonders if we should have been more serious, but that just wouldn’t be us.
I love the funny faces we pull at one another and the fun that we have together. Every day since has been a joy, and every single day has been full of so much laughter. I thank God that He brought us together and have grown us together – in love, faith, and spiritually… and dad jokes, I guess.
Muchos love,