Health & Fitness: Week 47, 2020 – Get Peachy Challenge

Week 47 runs from Monday 16th November — Sunday 22nd November, 2020.

I am currently following Chloe Ting’s Get Peachy Challenge program. For this challenge, I always start the workout with Natacha Océane’s 10min Warm Up. I won’t be listing it under ‘videos completed’ every day anymore because I literally use this warm up every single time.

For more information on what, why and how I’m tracking everything, including my health & fitness goals, please click here. To skip to the end of week summary, please click here.

The Week in Fitness & Food

11/16 – Monday. Get Peachy Challenge Day 18 Completed 18:30.
Videos completed: Chloe Ting Toned Arms, Chloe Ting Abs in 2 Weeks, MadFit 5min Cool Down (loosely followed).

Today I really wasn’t sure if I was going to exercise. I’ve been expecting my period to start and have definitely felt a bit more tired and emotional. I’m glad I did exercise in the end! I felt weaker than before but I always feel weaker right around the start of my period, so that isn’t anything to be alarmed by.

I originally planned to do my other weighted ab workout too but honestly, it wasn’t going to happen. I almost quit half way through Chloe’s 2 Week Ab video because I was feeling really tired, but I’m glad I didn’t! Literally Chloe said “Don’t give up now!” at that very moment so I took some extra rest time and pushed through.

I felt a lot more energised after the workout though so that was great! Food wise, we’ve been eating out a lot lately. Oh, that said, last night I made chicken tikka masala and it tasted delicious. I had some leftovers for lunch today, then for dinner we ordered from Ros Ni Yom again.

We need to go grocery shopping but also I was just tired today. My average weight actually decreased last week, which was surprising given that I usually bloat more and eat more junk and thus gain more weight when I PMS. However, I guess last week was more stressful for me so I ate less because of it.



Awoke Feeling

23:5508:458hr 50min??NoneDecently rested119.8lbs
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30 Days of Devo Challenge: Day 13

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Today I witnessed my court case being dismissed on the grounds of insufficient testimony since the citing officer did not show up and did not request an extension for the case. Without needing to present the evidence I’d collected to support my case, I was free to go with no fine to pay. Today may have been Friday 13th, but for me it was full of blessings.

The past few days have certainly been stressful as I prepared those court case documents, but ultimately God was so faithful in not only granting me peace, but also a favourable outcome. Before my case was dismissed, I witnessed another woman be sentenced for a different case where she had been found guilty beyond reasonable doubt and was fined.

Jacky accompanied me, and it was the first time either of us had been in a courtroom. He mentioned in the car after the case was dismissed, that it gave him a new perspective of and appreciation for what standing before a judge felt like.

One day, we will all face a Divine Judge who will judge our sins — but for those who are trusting in Jesus, while we will be found guilty beyond reasonable doubt like the first woman, the penalty of that fine has already been paid for us by Christ.

What stuck most in my mind was something different though. I had been one of four people to have their cases dismissed. I had been the last to be called up to receive the case dismissal form, and while everyone else had left in silence, I said, “Thank you” to the judge. But it was the judge’s response that really surprised me: she said, “Thank you” back.

When I first moved to America, it took some adjusting to accept that the American response to “Thank you” was “You’re welcome”, even if your ‘thank you’ should have been taken as a polite gesture rather than genuine gratitude since the other person hadn’t really done anything to deserve your thanks (“Please hold”, “Okay, thank you”, “You’re welcome” was one that really irked me initially). I’d been taught to perceive such blunt ‘You’re welcome’s as rude, but after a while I realised that they weren’t being rude: that’s just how they were brought up to respond.

Perhaps thanking back was her default response to people thanking her, but it really touched my heart that the judge said “Thank you” to my thanks.

Jacky and I have been praying pretty much throughout the entire day, so this one will be brief :)

Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much, once again. You are so deserving of all the gratitude in my heart. I pray that today I have been a good ambassador for You, Your Son and Your Spirit. May You and You alone be glorified.

Soli Deo gloria,


30 Days of Devo Challenge: Day 11

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I don’t really know how to begin. Even with ‘challenge’ in the title you can clearly see that I have skipped days. I have continued to think upon and have devotionals, but I have not written them publicly.

There has been a few things on my heart lately, but mostly I continue to be in awe of the God I serve. Delighting in the Trinity is one of those books that is really helping me to piece together the fragments of knowledge that I’ve collected about the Trinity over the years, and bring them together to form a deeper understanding and far greater appreciation for who God is.

Finally I’m able to better understand what John meant when he wrote “God is love” in 1 John 4, and better understand the Person of the Holy Spirit, and better understand how everything God does comes from Him being love… and how all of that is dependent on God being Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The doctrine of the Trinity is fundamental to Christian beliefs; I’ve always known this, but never truly studied it. I have indeed been very blessed by studying this book with my Wednesday women’s group.

I had a really lovely time of devotion this morning as well… it really had been a while since I’ve had a deeper devotional time. I can’t quite explain the multitude of emotions I felt from it but I can tell you it was something I’d been in desperate need of for some time.

Despite some things creeping up and causing me to feel a little anxious every now and again, I’m filled with gratitude today. I felt such a strong sense of peace and comfort this morning. I know my God is in control; I just need to focus on being Kingdom-minded.

Heavenly Father,

I don’t have the words to express my gratitude towards You or how in awe of You I am of You. Your majesty and beauty leaves me breathless. Indeed, pages upon pages of psalms are written to praise You and yet they still barely scratch the surface of how truly awesome You are. You have invited me in to the fellowship of the Trinity through the indwelling of Your Spirit. Oh that I could be gifted with words, to write a love letter that would be remotely worthy of describing You. Blessed be Your name, O Lord. May You and You alone be glorified.

Soli Deo gloria,


Health & Fitness: Week 46, 2020 – Get Peachy Challenge

Week 46 runs from Monday 9th November — Sunday 15th November, 2020.

I am currently following Chloe Ting’s Get Peachy Challenge program. For this challenge, I always start the workout with Natacha Océane’s 10min Warm Up. I won’t be listing it under ‘videos completed’ every day anymore because I literally use this warm up every single time.

For more information on what, why and how I’m tracking everything, including my health & fitness goals, please click here. To skip to the end of week summary, please click here.

The Week in Fitness & Food

11/9 – Monday. Rest.

I wasn’t planning to rest today, but I guess I got distracted this morning and then the day kinda disappeared from there. I also haven’t slept enough for the past couple of days so I dunno, maybe I’ve been low energy. I’m not really feeling sore from yesterday’s workout, which is quite a win though :)

It looks like I’ve been eating at maintenance fairly easily lately, though I feel like I was sort of careful with my diet last week, so I am a bit surprised I haven’t lost any weight. However, my period is coming up and I have no doubt that I’ll be retaining extra water weight at least until next week, so we’ll see what happens after that.

I’ve been eating very happily and satisfactorily with my sushi, protein bars, wraps, burgers — oh that’s right I had Habit Burger twice last week okay no wonder no weight loss happened HA. Nevermind!

I was very proud of my before/progress photo though! If you haven’t seen it and want to, please check it out here.



Awoke Feeling

02:3509:206hr 45min3hr 50minNoneSomewhat rested119.4lbs
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30 Days of Devo Challenge: Day 8

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Heavenly Father,

You are not surprised by the results of the election, and I thank You that indeed You are sovereign, and You have chosen Biden for Your purposes. In light of these election results, I continue to pray that those who call themselves Christians – especially myself – will respond in a manner that is glorifying to You.

I am so deeply reminded of my need for You – and indeed, humanity’s need for you; the need for a Saviour. In a nation so divided, I only see need of more love, more forgiveness, more grace… all of these things that we – or at least I – could never achieve on our own willpower, for we are all fallen; selfish, prideful, sinful.

We are all so broken. We have all sinned in different ways. We have all been hurt in different ways. Most of us have been deeply traumatised in one way or another. We try to rationalise any sinful responses as due to what we have been through, we try to diminish our responsibility to ease our conscience, we tell ourselves that You do not exist so therefore there is no ultimate authority to whom we are accountable.

But at the end of the day, what we need is You: Your perfect, perfect love and perfect forgiveness… to know that we are deeply loved no matter what, to know that we are fully forgiven and can have reconciliation with You – our Father, creator God – through simply accepting and believing in Jesus.

I pray that those who have been hurt may have opportunities to reach out to You, be comforted by You, and accept the deep, deep love and complete forgiveness and reconciliation that they can have with You through Your Son Jesus Christ; to be restored into a right relationship with You but also made whole – made new. And not only that, but to also have hope of eternity in Christ’s second coming.

I thank You that I have had the privilege of turning to You and accepting Christ, that now those former burdens have disappeared in light of Your salvation and grace. I pray that I will be desperate to share your love, compassion, passion and heart for the lost and to show them how deeply You care for them as well. You have not given up on them, I pray that I will not either. No one is too far gone for You, O Lord. I pray that I will not forget this. Please, if You are willing, use me for Your Kingdom purposes.

Lord May You and You alone be glorified. Amen.

Soli Deo gloria,
