Week 45 runs from Monday 2nd November — Sunday 8th November, 2020.
I am currently following Chloe Ting’s Get Peachy Challenge program. For this challenge, I always start the workout with Natacha Océane’s 10min Warm Up. I won’t be listing it under ‘videos completed’ every day anymore because I literally use this warm up every single time.
For more information on what, why and how I’m tracking everything, including my health & fitness goals, please click here. To skip to the end of week summary, please click here.
The Week in Fitness & Food
11/2 – Monday. Get Peachy Challenge Day 12 Completed 11:34.
Videos completed: Chloe Ting Hourglass Workout, MadFit 15min Cool Down.
Originally I was planning to do Elizabeth Chu’s weighted ab workout after Chloe’s workout but, again, I vastly overestimated how much energy I would have left haha. I think today’s workout length was really good for me as well. I exercised fasted and it took me about an hour to finish the workout. That was plenty for the day.
Why did I exercise fasted and what is up with that crazy weight gain, you ask? Wasn’t I 119lbs yesterday and all of a sudden I’m 120.6lbs? Hahah. Well, last night Jacky and I decided it’d be a great idea to eat instant noodles and ice cream at like 1am. So, yep. I was not hungry at all when I woke up, and half of that junk food is still in my system. It should be gone after I finish digesting today though haha.
That said, I will be expecting increased bloating and water retention in the next week or so, because monthly bleeding… yay. <– I jest. It is a pain (literally) sometimes but the fact that I am a menstruating woman means that I have an opportunity to become pregnant, should God ever choose to gift us with children one day.
The older I get, the more I realise this is not to be taken for granted. So, I may joke about it, but in my heart I am very thankful that I still have regular periods. And I really don’t mind having another reason to eat some hearty soul food every month hehe.
Sleep Time | Wake Time | Hrs Slept | Restful Sleep | Disruptions | Awoke Feeling | Weight |
01:55 | 08:40 | 6hr 45min | 4hr 15min | None | Somewhat rested | 120.6lbs |
11/3 – Tuesday. Rest.
Sleep Time | Wake Time | Hrs Slept | Restful Sleep | Disruptions | Awoke Feeling | Weight |
01:45 | 09:25 | 7hr 40min | 5hr 25min | None | Decently rested | 119.4lbs |
11/4 – Wednesday. Get Peachy Challenge Day 13 Completed 19:39.
Videos completed: Elizabeth Chu Weighted Ab Workout, Chloe Ting Tight Core Workout (partial).
Okay so technically I only partially completed the workout but I honestly can’t plank for that long, all my other muscles start kicking in and heavily compensating. I did really enjoy my ab workout today though, and to be honest I wasn’t planning to exercise at all since I woke up with a headache.
I really gained energy throughout the day though, and even ended up chatting to Chloe herself (plus Adrian and others!) on her Discord, which really motivated me to do a workout. So yep, I exercised, and I am very proud to have done that.
Less proud, however, that I really have been distracted by Discord almost all day and didn’t get anything productive done. Sigh. Also my sleep app has gone crazy again so… limited data it is.
Sleep Time | Wake Time | Hrs Slept | Restful Sleep | Disruptions | Awoke Feeling | Weight |
02:05 | 10:00 | 7hr 55min | ?? | None | Somewhat rested | 120.0lbs |
11/5 – Thursday. Get Peachy Challenge Day 14 Rest.
Sleep Time | Wake Time | Hrs Slept | Restful Sleep | Disruptions | Awoke Feeling | Weight |
02:45 | 09:50 | 7hr 5min | 4hr 40min | None | Somewhat rested | 119.4lbs |
11/6 – Friday. Get Peachy Challenge Day 15 Completed 17:56.
Videos completed: Chloe Ting Best Booty Workout, Elizabeth Chu Weighted Ab Workout, MadFit 15min Cool Down.
Today’s workout was really enjoyable for me! I felt much stronger today and started using heavier weights again and stuck with my light resistance band the entire time – no need to go lighter this time.
I used my 10lb dumbbell for the squats, 5lb dumbbells for the RDLs, then used my 5lb dumbbell + a 2lb ankle weight (total 7lb) with light resistance band for the glute bridges, and light band for the rest of the workout. I perhaps could have gone even heavier because I found myself adding extra reps to feel challenged but I also wanted to be cautious not to overexercise.
The video flew by! I think it’s one of my favourites actually. I’m still jamming to the tunes while I watch back video footage of me exercising haha.
I still had so much energy after that I did Elizabeth Chu’s weighted ab workout as well with my 5lb dumbbell and 2lb ankle weights. For the most part, I felt the burn in the right places so am very happy with how the workout went today.
Food-wise, I haven’t been as hungry in the past few days (probably because I have been eating so much junk in the prior week ha) so I’ve been nourishing myself with delicious turkey, avo, salad wraps and hearty pasta with various homemade sauces. Tonight we had salmon, rice and broccoli & mushroom stir fry.
Also I finally took a progress update photo in the same clothes as I did before I started my fitness journey in May. I think I’ve come a pretty long way! I am looking a lot more toned, and I also lost about 2.5cm off my waist.
My butt was looking smaller before I started this challenge because I’d lost fat from there, but judging by these two pics, it looks almost the same size if even rounder and more lifted. That, I definitely credit to this challenge so far.
I’m having a lot of fun on this challenge but I just realised I’m already more than half way through! I will have to find another one to do afterwards. Currently I’m thinking of trying the Get Fit Challenge next. I decided against it in the past because I didn’t have equipment, but now that I have it I kind of want to try it out. We’ll see. I’ll finish this one first.
Sleep Time | Wake Time | Hrs Slept | Restful Sleep | Disruptions | Awoke Feeling | Weight |
01:15 | 09:50 | 8hr 30min | 5hr 15min | 1x | Decently rested | 119.2lbs |
11/7 – Saturday. Rest.
Sleep Time | Wake Time | Hrs Slept | Restful Sleep | Disruptions | Awoke Feeling | Weight |
02:20 | 10:05 | 7hr 45min | 5hr 10min | None | Somewhat rested | 119.2lbs |
11/7 – Sunday. Get Peachy Challenge Day 16 Completed 19:16.
Videos completed: Chloe Ting 6 Pack Abs, Chloe Ting Upper Body Workout, MadFit 15min Cool Down.
It is pretty rare that we do a workout on a Sunday, but when we basically did nothing but rest/lounge around yesterday I really wanted to exercise and so we did. Yep, “we” because Jacky joined me too.
I really enjoyed it. It was the perfect length, I feel. In total with warm up and cool down our workout was less than an hour. I used 5lb dumbbells for the ab workout and the working of larger muscle groups for the arm workout, but used our ankle weights for exercises targeting smaller muscles groups like lateral arm raises haha.
It worked out really well because the ankle weights we purchased have base weights of 2lbs but include 2 more removable 1lb weights, so I started off using 2lb then built up to 3lb by the final superset.
But, as usual, ending a weights workout on pushups that I struggle with anyway was… painful haha. I was really impressed when I was able to do 8 elbows-in knee pushups with good form though! I managed to squeeze out 2 more but my form was pretty compromised by that point. But still, 8 is a huge improvement on what I was able to do before. Yay!
Sleep Time | Wake Time | Hrs Slept | Restful Sleep | Disruptions | Awoke Feeling | Weight |
03:10 | 08:30 | 5hr 20min | 3hr 30min | None | Somewhat rested | 120.2lbs |
End of Week Summary
Days Exercised: 4
Pushup Count: 8 elbows-in knee pushups.
Median Weight (Tues – Sat): 119.4lbs
Weight Change (if any): None
Days Slept 7.5hrs+: 4
Days Slept Before Midnight: 0
I took a couple of progress photos this week and was really impressed by the difference since May. Looking back on my numbers, I started with a 71cm waist and now my waist is 66.5-67cm. Once you put the pictures side by side, it really is a pretty big change!

I don’t have much to say this week except overall it’s been a pretty good week for exercising! I have apparently eaten at maintenance, which totally works for me. Plus I am pretty sure my butt has actually grown a little recently.
After losing weight I noticed my but got smaller, but now it’s more or less back to its original size before I started my weight loss journey. Except now it’s just even rounder and more lifted from the looks of it. This, I count as a win and I’m going to credit it to Chloe’s Get Peachy program haha.
Sleep-wise my pattern has been entirely messed up. So, uh, let’s not talk about it okay?
Date | Sleep Time | Wake Time | Hrs Slept | Restful Sleep | Disruptions | Awoke Feeling | Weight |
11/2 | 01:55 | 08:40 | 6hr 45min | 4hr 15min | None | Somewhat rested | 120.6lbs |
11/3 | 01:45 | 09:25 | 7hr 40min | 5hr 25min | None | Decently rested | 119.4lbs |
11/4 | 02:05 | 10:00 | 7hr 55min | ?? | None | Somewhat rested | 120.0lbs |
11/5 | 02:45 | 09:50 | 7hr 5min | 4hr 40min | None | Somewhat rested | 119.4lbs |
11/6 | 01:15 | 09:50 | 8hr 30min | 5hr 15min | 1x | Decently rested | 119.2lbs |
11/7 | 02:20 | 10:05 | 7hr 45min | 5hr 10min | None | Somewhat rested | 119.2lbs |
11/8 | 03:10 | 08:30 | 5hr 20min | 3hr 30min | None | Somewhat rested | 120.2lbs |
Muchos love,