Today is technically the last day of the challenge I gave myself. In total, including this one, it would have been 12 out of 30 days that I posted. From a grading perspective, that would be a fail. But thankfully, my salvation is not determined on whether or not I pass or fail a self-imposed devo writing challenge.
Thankfully, God’s love for me is not weakened by my lack of self-discipline or public devotionals. Thankfully, my relationship with my Creator is not dependent on anything I do at all.
Thankfully, Jesus has already accomplished it all on the cross by dying for my sins and rising from the dead so that I may no longer be dead in my transgressions but have eternal life by believing in Him. And He has given me the Holy Spirit as a seal and guarantor of this inheritance.
I really enjoyed this challenge actually, and I really enjoyed writing devos on here every now and again. I think a daily one might be a little too much for me, but I would like to continue to write regular devotionals if possible. There’s so much to give thanks for, so much to praise Him for. I would like to write about it given the opportunity.
Heavenly Father,
You are such an awesome God. I am so grateful that no part of my sin can ever tear me away from Your love. I am so thankful for Your Son, Jesus, who bore my sin and shame on the cross, and died the death that I deserved, and suffered Your wrath that should have been for me. I thank You that through Jesus, I now am not only spared from death, but I have a restored relationship with You – God, in three Persons – and eternal life, sealed by Your Spirit dwelling in me. This is a gift – Your grace – freely given, and there is nothing I can do to ever deserve this.
Thank You that no matter what happens in life, I can be safe and secure in this knowledge of this. I know my identity is in You, my life is in Your hands, and all things are under Your control – please take control, Lord. I pray that I may live my life in a way that is glorifying to You.
May You and You alone be glorified.
Soli Deo gloria,