It has been a week; despite setting myself this challenge and going to bed thinking multiple times that I should have written something, it seems that I haven’t been able to do it. Again it’s not that I haven’t had devo time during this week, but it is likely that I haven’t had enough devo time or prioritised writing a public devo.
As I sort of have more people finding this blog, YouTube channels, Twitch etc. recently, I really do want to be more careful about what I write if it’s faith related. Before I publish, I want to consider: is it edifying? Does it glorify God? If people read what I write and see my behaviour, do they view my attitude in a positive light? How can I bring up the fact that any of these positive things are wholly attributed to Christ’s influence in my life and give glory to Him in a way that my sincerity can be felt?
And more than anything else, how can I share this love of Christ with them so that they may come to know Jesus and receive that love for themselves as well? And should I ever be granted opportunities to have those conversations, how can I make it clear that I am not here to judge, for if anyone should be condemned I would be first in line.
I don’t have the answers, but I do know this: God the Father, Son and Spirit does, so I leave it in His hands. In the meantime I will continue to love Him and others as deeply as I possibly can, according to His will.
Heavenly Father,
What a gracious God You are; mighty to save, rich in mercy and abounding in steadfast love. Thank You so much that You have granted me favour with new communities that I have joined online. Thank You that You have deemed it fit to use me to share Your gospel on Twitch as well as this blog. Thank You first and foremost that You have saved me through your Son, Jesus.
Lord, You know I am not good with words and I often speak before I think. I pray that I will be sensitive to the moving of Your Spirit, that You might speak through me when gospel opportunities arise. I pray that I will represent You well. I pray that those with whom I interact are able to feel the love I have for them because of what You’ve done in my life. I pray that I will be bold to speak up where possible, giving all glory to Your Name. May You and You alone be glorified.
Soli Deo gloria,