Heavenly Father,
There is much to be giving thanks for today: thank You for my husband, thank You for my family, thank You for my friends, that You that we are still safe and healthy, thank You for life, thank You for warmth, thank You food, thank You for shelter. Thank You for every good thing that is in my life.
Today Jacky and I cooked a thanksgiving meal together – for me, it was the first thanksgiving meal I’ve made in my life. It tasted incredible. Thank You for that, too.
Most of all, thank You for You. Thank You for being my God. Thank You for Your Son, Jesus, who died on the cross for my sins that I might have a renewed and reconciled relationship with You. Thank You that Jesus not only died, but rose again on the 3rd day, that through His life I might also have eternal life.
Thank You that through the indwelling of Your Spirit I have been brought into Your family and am able to enjoy eternal fellowship with the Godhead. Thank You that You have loved me with an everlasting love and chosen me to bring out of darkness and into eternal light. You are awesome, God.
May You and You alone be glorified.
Soli Deo gloria,