Week 1 Recap

Yay this week has been super productive. And when I say week, I mean Jan 1-7th. Even though that’s 8 days. But whatever, I’m writing this now, ok?? :P

  • I blog 3x (this is the third!)
  • Exercised 4x (I just came back from getting my butt kicked by NCT 127’s Simon Says. Thanks, Yireh.)
  • Our new pastor started!
  • I read Bible & did devo daily, except Sunday… but that’s because on Sunday I got our pastor’s sermon notes (yay!) and was re-reading them at home and my brain was more or less exploding. (It was a really good sermon. On the Source, Service and Significance of Scriptures from 2 Tim. 3:16 – 4:2. Yep, 3 verses. I wasn’t able to fully get it during the sermon and even reading at home afterwards I felt my head pounding with all the info. I had to stop after section 1 to allow myself time to absorb. One day I wish someone would invent photosynthesis for humans and information.)

I think those were my primary goals fulfilled. Though getting more exercise wasn’t even on the list haha, but I guess I really wanted to stop being so unhealthy.

It feels great to be physically fitter, but more importantly it feels great to be in better shape spiritually. God knows I’d die without Him. I don’t even know what gave me the audacity to think I could handle my life alone for a while. 

Just being in a better place with Him has meant most if not all the stress has been lifted off my shoulders. I read an article about millennials being the the burnout generation, and to a large degree I agree, I can feel it in myself as well.

However, I suddenly had a thought that maybe a lot of the burnout also has to do with our generation being the one that is arguably furthest from God.

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