This is another one of Jacky’s recipes. He made this earlier in the month and it tasted sooo good I immediately asked him to write up the recipe for me.
Why haven’t I posted it until now? Because, earlier in the month, I was busy with life and then I was stressed as all hell. But now we’re getting a little more back to normal, and a little more back into the groove of things :)
Jacky is a great cook and often makes up really great recipes on the fly based on what we have in our fridge, then later forgets how he made them. That’s what these posts are for! So even if nobody tries them, we can at least still look at them to remind us how we made the food we liked haha.
The secret ingredient was bacon fat that we had in our fridge from when I fried up a load of American bacon. Mmmm… I’m guessing that’s what gave it its rich umami flavour. If you don’t have bacon fat, I’d recommend adding butter.
Please let us know if you end up trying it too!
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