First Ever Supper Club

Slight break between my China photo uploads (sorryyy I totally haven’t had time to sort through the rest of the photos!), but I am too excited about this to not share my most recent discovery with you all.

Following my recent fondness of The Taste, I found the blog of one of my favourite contestants on the show, Guan Chua aka theboywhoatetheworld, and subsequently discovered London’s underground restaurant scene: the gastronomic delight known as Supper Clubs.
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Chinese New Year in Beijing Part I

For the first time in 19 years, I went back to China to spend Chinese New Year.
It’s not that I haven’t been back to China in 19 years, but in the past I’ve only returned every 2 – 4 years, and never during Spring Festival. I hadn’t had the time (school; uni) or money.
Also, stupidly, I’ve always been afraid of going anywhere in case I booked my trip but then something big was to happen back home.
What if I went away and ended up missing something important here in the UK?

But thankfully I now realise how silly it is to think like that, and now that I finally have enough of my own money and can be in control of my own time, I can start doing things differently.
This year, I want to do stuff. I want to go places, I want to see people.

I’m so glad I planned my trip back. What could be more important than visiting my grandparents and relatives who raised and loved me?

So, way overdue, here are some of the highlights of my trip.
(Some, because some moments I simply enjoyed so much I forgot to take photos).
Still, there’s so much to share with you that I’ll have to split this into multiple parts.
I can tell you now that this one’s a looong post – and most of it was all just one day! You might want to get some coffee and snacks before we start.
Go on, I’ll wait.

Let’s begin!
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