Personal: The Perfect Day

It’s been a long month…

Haha, I shouldn’t have blogged about posting more frequently after all. I was wondering if that would end up jinxing it but at the time I’d felt confident I’d be able to churn out content as I had quite a few posts planned. Alas, I had indeed been overly optimistic. Given the stress of moving, Jacky injuring his foot shortly after (to the extent we headed to the ER with a follow up trip to urgent care) plus a busy period at work all at the same time, I’ve been way too overwhelmed to write.

We still don’t have a dining table and chairs or a proper sofa or living area rug or chairs and half of our previous furniture doesn’t really fit with the space, but we’re working on it. Slowly but surely, we’ll get there :)

On Saturday, we finally had a breather. Jacky had recovered enough to limp around without crutches and we planned to go for a nice stroll downtown followed by a trip to Costco after lunch. We didn’t do our usual family Bible Study in the morning as my parents were out, so we went out for sushi at one of our favourite local restaurants before heading downtown.

The weather had been simply perfect: warm and sunny with a cool breeze. After our walk, we decided to go to a rooftop bar and enjoy the beautiful day (also because it just happened to be perfectly situated between 5 PokéStops and 2 Gyms hahaha). I think it might be the first rooftop bar we’ve ever been to together and we were blessed with what was probably the best seats on the roof.

We had a large corner table that gave us some of the most stunning views in multiple directions. The sun was shining brightly but we were afforded shade from 2 umbrellas, and the drinks we got were exactly what we were looking for. I ordered us some sliders and fries to share as well because why not.

We were limited to 1.5hrs dining time but that was the perfect amount of time. By the time we left, it was already after 6pm and Costco was just not going to happen, but I’d been wanting to watch the new Black Widow movie for a while, and since we were right next to a cinema we figured why not. The timing was perfect: a showing in 10min, with comfy seats in the perfect seating location, on a huge screen.

I realised on our way home that I was expecting a grocery delivery, and for a moment was worried that the groceries may have spoiled from sitting outside in the heat. But it turns out they’d only been delivered shortly before we arrived home – so perfect. The rest of the evening was spent relaxing.

It was just… the perfect day. Honestly the perfect, restful, relaxing day; something I’d desperately needed and was so thankful for. Thanks be to God that everything just worked out so wonderfully. On another note: since moving in, I now love the walls and our new home. God is so good to us.

Muchos love,


Fitness: Chloe Ting’s 2021 Get Fit Challenge – Week 3

Image screenshot: Chloe Ting 2021 Get Fit Challenge

This post will contain my workout summary for week 3 of the Chloe Ting 2021 Get Fit Challenge.

Given that it’s getting to crunch time with our move, unsurprisingly, I’m a little behind with this challenge ^^;; But only a day or so behind. I have had to skip a couple of workout days so far, but that still means I’ve been working out 4x/week, which is impressive for me.

I didn’t want to skip 2 days’ worth of workouts last week so I ended up pushing my schedule back by one day, and finishing day 13 yesterday. This week is the final week and there is only 1 scheduled rest day. That’s probably not going to work for me given how busy I’ll be with moving, so this post will be updated for all the days that have workouts scheduled, as well as the days that I did them on.

I hope to be on schedule for the most part, but maybe with 1-2 extra active rest days – and this time, they will truly be active ‘rest’ days.

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Personal: New Place Update

The walls are painted but I don’t love them… don’t get me wrong, I think our painters did a great job, but they said they need to come back and do some minor touch-ups. We have one main white colour and then a grey accent wall on all of the rooms. I thought the grey would be darker but it’s not. I think I would have preferred a darker grey, but amazingly this one matches our kitchen backsplash almost perfectly.

We are planning to change the counter tops eventually to a quartz marble-looking counter top which would match the grey and white far better, but a part of me is wondering if we should have just used the same white as the ceiling and trim. The white colour with a slightly different white trim looks a little off to me, if I’m honest. That said, I don’t think I would have wanted that white because it’s just too white. I like the off-white and prefer the contrast, I think.

I had to block off the windows in the above photos for anonymity but… yeah, I don’t know. I’m not in love with it, but I don’t know if I would have been in love with any colour we chose. Or maybe we picked the wrong wall to be our accent wall, I don’t know. Or maybe we just shouldn’t have even had accent walls in the first place and just went with a light grey for the entire house… but I didn’t want that either.

I really prayed hard before we went with these colours, and it’s the one we ended up with so it’ll work well I’m sure. But perhaps the other issue is I have decision fatigue. Buying a house was a huge decision in the first place. Then picking paint, now picking new furnishings and possibly doing additional renovations… it’s all a bit much.

As I was driving over today, I felt like it feels a bit surreal that this place is even ours, even though we’ve started paying the mortgage already. I can’t believe I’m actually going to live there… and yet some part of me feels like I’m not meant to be here. It’s weird. Maybe I’m just stressed out from the move and sleep-deprived. It’s also possible that I’m not loving it because there still needs to be a few areas that are touched up, and the house desperately needs to be cleaned again. The dirty floors bother me, but that’s an easy fix.

We both picked out these colours together, but I wish I would have had someone else helping us. I think the other reason it’s not 100% for me yet is because of the floorboards’ colour. I feel like lighter or even darker floorboards would work better.

It also kinda bothers me that there is so much white in the bathroom. It’s just very white + white + white because our vanity is white and the cabinets are white and the bath areas are also all white. But I think that will be less of a problem if we paint the cabinets? And we wanted to re-do the bathrooms and get tile in there at some point.

Who knows, maybe it’ll look very different (better) once our furniture is in. Or maybe I’ll absolutely hate it. It isn’t a massive deal because I know that at the end of the day, it’s just a wall colour. We can repaint. But it would have been a huge waste of money and that stresses me out. Painters are expensive.

We’re getting to crunch time with our move… man, I’m stressed. Now is a time that I really, really need to recall the goodness of God. Prayers appreciated.

Muchos love,


Bullet Journal: July Setup

Woah! I actually drew out a proper spread for the first time in forever. Life has been far busier lately with all the moving logistics. You’ve possibly noticed that my posts have become more frequent recently in the sense that I am uploading new posts 2-3x per week, both for my blog and on YouTube. As such, I’ve had to use full weekly spreads to plan and write out my to-do lists.

I thought it would be a good opportunity to do a cover page with a Bible verse as I initially planned but only did once. Jacky and I have finished reading Exodus and we’re currently in the middle of Leviticus. But I just loved the way God revealed Himself and His character to Moses, so I chose those two verses to be the verse of this month as a reminder of who He is. May my heart be drawn to the one true God as He reveals Himself, and not whatever I might have twisted him into in my own sinful heart.

I’ve also had a lot more thoughts racing through my mind that constantly need to be dumped out somewhere, so I brought back my brain dump page. It’s possible I don’t have enough space here… plus I’m really fairly disorganised these days, so if I need to, I’ll create another brain dump page later in the month.

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Fitness: Chloe Ting’s 2021 Get Fit Challenge – Week 2

Image screenshot: Chloe Ting 2021 Get Fit Challenge

This post contains my workout summary for week 2 of the Chloe Ting 2021 Get Fit Challenge.

Last week I had such a great time with the first week of the challenge, but the weekend completely wiped me out. I didn’t have time or energy to actually do any working out in the end. We spent pretty much the entire weekend over at our new place just packing and unpacking, sorting out a lot of things that we need for the move, and that just completely tired me out.

We got a lot of stuff done though, so I’m really pleased with that. I might end up with a similar situation this week where I just simply won’t have time to exercise over the weekend but we will see. It’s July 4th weekend and we have plans, we need to get the house painted this week, and I think we have a friend coming over to help us move next week as well.

I’m looking forward to the moving process being over. It is stressful and tiring enough without being under a serious time crunch, so I am incredibly thankful that we have the luxury of moving in slowly. If that means that my workouts suffer for a couple of weeks, so be it. I don’t anticipate such issues arising for any future challenges after this!

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