January Resolution: Check In #4

Image credit: Unsplash.com

It is the end of January and thus the final of my January check-ins. My January mini-resolution was to read Romans 8 once per day. This check-in will be for the 25th – 31st January. Goodness, this month flew by, didn’t it?

I didn’t read daily this week – actually I skipped 3 days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I’m not sure why I skipped Wednesday, but Friday we did have Bible Study, and Saturday honestly I have no excuse – we didn’t even have our usual Bible Study with my family because I woke up so late and exhausted. But to be honest, I don’t have an excuse for skipping my reading on any of those days.

I noticed this week that I was no longer as serious about reading it as I had been before. Perhaps it’s because I’d seen the same text day after day that I’d begun to get bored? Or, at least, the words weren’t sinking in properly anymore. Reading the passage daily almost became a chore.

However, today, after taking a couple days’ break from reading, I really enjoyed reading it again. In fact, I realised that I’d been able to recite more of the passage than I had before, and was able to commit more to memory than I had done in the past as well.

Perhaps with anything else in life: there are days when you need a bit of a break before getting back into it with more vigour. The Word of God should never be taken that way, of course; I am not saying it’s a good idea to take days off from spending time with God in devotion, meditation on the Word and prayer.

But since this is a specific resolution to read the same passage daily, perhaps it does help to give my brain some rest so it can retain some of what it’s read and not get tired of the repetition.

For February, I still haven’t quite figured out what I’d like to read. I haven’t sat down to devote time to memorise Romans 8 fully, though I can recite 80% of it by now. Still, I think I would like to put it aside for a little while and then come back to it.

Shall I move on to Romans 12? Or perhaps one of the Psalms… I’ll pray about it a little more, and will put up a new update post once I decide. I will, however, take 2 days’ rest per week from reading the passage: Fridays (fellowship) and Sundays (sabbath), to hopefully allow more time for the passage to sink in to my brain and avoid repetition fatigue.



Fitness: Chloe Ting’s Flat Stomach Challenge – Week 4

Image screenshot: Chloe Ting 2021 Flat Stomach Challenge

This post was updated accordingly for days 22 – 28 of this challenge.
Click here for week one’s updates of this challenge.
Click here for week two’s updates of this challenge.
Click here for week three’s updates of this challenge.

I was supposed to start the final week of the Flat Stomach Challenge yesterday but unfortunately my headache from Sunday still hadn’t subsided. I slept for quite a long time but was still feeling weak and tired. I guess this happens every time I go outside because I’m exposed to new germs that I normally am not exposed to when I’m indoors. It’s pretty much been a pattern every time we’ve gone to Costco in recent weeks.

The final week only has one rest day since it’s understood that we’d take a longer rest period after the challenge is complete. It’s also the most intense week, so since I wasn’t feeling well I decided to just pace myself for this final week.

I took an extra rest day yesterday and thought I’d be better after another night’s rest, but my headache got progressively worse as the day passed and now I don’t think I’ll be able to do my workout today either. I wasn’t going to try to bring forward Wednesday’s rest and then do 6 days straight to try and finish at the same time as everyone else anyway, but now I definitely won’t be able to.

Also Sundays are typically my sabbaths so I’ll probably end up taking another rest day this week as well. As such, my updates for this post will be on the days I actually do the challenge, rather than daily.

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January Resolution: Check In #3

Image credit: Unsplash.com

I wanted to post this on Saturday, then Sunday… but it’s been a while since I’ve had such a busy weekend. Time really does start to fly when you start working again heh. That said, I guess it is rather appropriate for me to put up this update today, since there are still 7 days left of this mini-resolution from today. This update will be for the past 8 days: from 17th – 24th January.

My January mini-resolution was to read Romans 8 once per day. I admit it wasn’t as easy during this period. There were days I started my day with my reading, but also days where I slid it in right before I slept. Last night, I was so exhausted (and unwell) I resorted to listening to it read via my Bible app while trying to follow along according to memory.

Jacky tested me on it one evening and I realised there’s still a lot that I don’t remember in terms of how the verses come together and specific words that were used. I realise that in ancient Middle-Eastern culture, they would not have been required to quote verbatim, but it’s still my aim to quote it according to ESV.

I still think that it will be entirely possible for me to spend a few hours at the end of the month and have it committed to memory. I’ll keep you posted!



Sermon Reflections: Preparing the Way

Image credit: Unsplash.com

It has been a while since I’ve done one of these. Looking back, it’s actually been an entire 6mo. I’ve had this one half complete for that long, and I’m trying to figure out why. It may just be a case of laziness, but more so I think it’s a degree of pressure I’ve given myself by putting a specific format on these reflections that has cornered me into doing it a certain way.

It also meant that I spent 3-4hrs per session, carefully going through all my notes and adding new notes as I listened to the sermon again, then crafting out a response for my blog reflections. Unsurprisingly, it turned into a bit of a chore. So, I wonder if I change up the format, would it help?

It’s a new year, so let me see how it goes. Thanks for your patience in bearing with me as I figure this out, and may it be led by His Spirit, as I desire to spend more time in His Word and internalising what I have heard, according to the will of God.

These are now genuinely going to be some immediate reflections as I listen (back) on sermons from CBCWLA. It’s a brain-dump and won’t necessarily be cohesive or coherent, most certainly won’t be exhaustive of all important parts, but will be personal to me.

Here are the questions I’ll attempt to answer with each sermon I review:

  1. What sermon did I listen to today? Title/Link.
  2. Summarise the key points in 1-2 sentences.
  3. What stuck out to me, listening to it this time?
  4. How can I respond to this truth? What practical applications can I take from it?

1. What sermon did I listen to? Title/Link.

Preparing the Way – p. Nick Hsieh. Passage: Mark 1:1-13.

2. What were the key points of this sermon?

Per the sermon notes:
The way for Jesus is prepared through a high view of God and of his Christ. The humility of Jesus as the suffering servant is seen in his baptism and testing. Identify with Jesus Christ by drawing near to God’s throne of grace in humble confidence.

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Fitness: Chloe Ting’s Flat Stomach Challenge – Week 3

Image screenshot: Chloe Ting 2021 Flat Stomach Challenge

This post was updated daily for days 15 – 21 of this challenge.
Click here for week one’s updates of this challenge.
Click here for week two’s updates of this challenge.

Chloe released a new cool down video today, which I’ll be trying out. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, we really are being spoiled during this challenge. 8 new videos plus a new recipe section (I’ve already made the overnight oats twice, it’s really yummy) all launched this month! Wow.

That said, I’m still not sure about the new warm up haha, mostly because I am more flexible and thus need longer in a stretch position before I feel sufficiently stretched out. I don’t like to watch it in half time because I’m not a fan of distorted music or her distorted voice, but I’m still going to give it a go and maybe use it every now and again.

Regardless, I’m looking forward to the program itself because it is epic. This week I’m really looking forward to the 6 Pack Abs and Booty Burn videos from the Get Fit Challenge, and the no jumping Full Body Burn from the 2020 Summer Shred. As well as all the new videos, of course.

Believe it or not, I’m also kind of looking forward to the Plank Challenge video for day 20, and I’m really glad Chloe put the videos in order of intensity for that day. Seriously, I really appreciate the thought that she’s put into this program.

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