This is the story about a Sleeping Cutie named Aurora and her quest to find a new wet food…

Our rescue kitten, Aurora (Rory for short), is a picky eater while also potentially having a slightly weak digestive system. She’s currently fed a mix of freeze-dried raw food and wet food. When we first got her, she was on kibble/wet and was having a little diarrhoea, so our vet advised we should replace her kibble with freeze dried food, and change the wet food brand we feed her. This post is mostly about her wet food, but if you want to hear more about the freeze dried part click here.
The wet food we’ve been feeding her up until this point was what the adoption lady says she was previously being fed. We were thinking of keeping her on it since she loves that flavour, is used to it, and the other brands the vet recommended were more expensive for the chicken flavours (or the chicken flavours were not for all life stages).
We figured we could just keep her on that until she was an adult before transitioning her to Tiki Cat or Weruva… but things changed a bit too quickly after that.
We originally thought she wouldn’t eat tuna because she rejected the freeze dried ahi tuna treats, but this week I cracked open some cans of tuna for my hubs and I to eat and she went craaazy trying to get me to give her some. I gave her some of the water brine, diluted with a lot more water, and she loved it.
(To be fair, she has liked it in the past as well, and even ate a small piece of tuna I tried to give her back when we first got her, which is why we tried getting her the ahi tuna treats. I guess just with her pickiness about the treats coupled with us not eating tuna for a while we forgot about it and assumed she only liked chicken.)
We originally thought she wouldn’t eat beef because she rejected it at the vet’s, but Pet Food Express were giving out samples of the Vital Essentials Beef Topper, so we figured why not… and she actually enjoyed that too! So maybe her taste buds have changed recently.
Then all of a sudden, the brand we were getting increased their prices by 15%, so that was the final straw. We are now on the hunt for new wet food that she’ll enjoy, that is more affordable and won’t cause her any tummy upsets. I’ll let Rory take the review from here since she’s the one eating it :D
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