Dinner With Reiss – Roux at the Landau

I have to admit I am very blessed. In my line of work, you get to meet some amazing people and join them for amazing events. Back in October I had the honour of being invited to a dining experience at Michelin-starred Roux at the Landau with one of my favourite Merchants, Reiss, and boy am I excited to share it with you!

In a private dining room to the side of the rather grand and luxurious Langham Hotel, a long dining table had been meticulously decorated with gifts for every guest:

Reiss Roux Event Read More

Ladu-thé & Beagle Brunch

A couple of weeks after I got back from the States, a ‘client’ was in town and visiting. We’d been in touch a lot and I was super excited to be working with her. She’d become a friend, plus she was an important client. So naturally we met up for a spot of tea.

At Ladurée.

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First Ever Supper Club

Slight break between my China photo uploads (sorryyy I totally haven’t had time to sort through the rest of the photos!), but I am too excited about this to not share my most recent discovery with you all.

Following my recent fondness of The Taste, I found the blog of one of my favourite contestants on the show, Guan Chua aka theboywhoatetheworld, and subsequently discovered London’s underground restaurant scene: the gastronomic delight known as Supper Clubs.
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The Hawksmoor Review

I promised this place would get its’ own review, so here it is :)

It was pure luck that bought me to Hawksmoor the first time. J3 and I were starving and craving steak, and we just so happened to be in Covent Garden. So good ol’ Google Maps found me the most highly-recommended steak restaurant in the immediate area.

Google was not wrong.

The place was fully booked when we arrived, but thankfully they still had dining tables in the bar area, which served a full menu anyway. Fine by us!
We started with a couple of cocktails.


The Hawksmoor Collins (Gin, Lemon, Campari, Bitters & Soda)
& Their version of Pimm’s. I forget the name.
I had to at least pretend they weren’t both for me.


Even though they obviously were ;) Read More

September & October Foodporn

Not that I haven’t eaten shedloads, but I’ve just been super lazy busy lately! Here are some highlights:

Home-made One Pot Pasta, based on the recipe from The Londoner found: here. I just threw in some prawns lightly fried in garlic and olive oil, and sprinkled an extra dash of pepper with a fresh basil leaf on top to serve :)
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