
Exactly 2 weeks ago today, I turned 21 for the nth time. I kid you not, I seem to have flown to neverland at one point and got myself stuck there. I am literally twenteen. Some day I hope to grow up a little (mentally and physically please!) but that day is obviously yet to come.

But I digress. My birthday is one of those amazing-yet-annoying ones as it lands during the Easter hols.

On the bright side, this means I am usually free and so is everyone else. On the not-so-bright side, everyone else seem to have lives and friends and family to visit/return to, so nobody is around to celebrate with me. Ergo, my options are to either sit around on my lonesome watching property or comedy shows on TV, or go home and visit my family.

I sound like such a miserable old sod but to be honest, I really like chillaxing alone, ordering some take out and watching Location, Location, Location or How I Met Your Mother/The Big Bang Theory (apparently this is not normal?). I literally source L,L,L on 4OD and watch re-runs of every episode. You can tell I’m a hoot at parties.

I also love option #2, visiting the fam, which is exactly what I did.

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