Goodness, where did July go? It feels like time is passing so quickly and yet slowly at the same time. So what happened in July with regards to my bullet journal? Well, it turns out I ended up using it much more than I had anticipated I would.
As I wrote in my July setup & August draft post, I really liked the rolling weekly tasks spread by Plant Based Bride and was doing that for my blog/YouTube notebook. However, that one wasn’t a dotted notebook so it was getting messy, so I decided to put all of that into my one bullet journal.
I also began to realise how important it was for me to have more space for my to-do’s and be able to assign the tasks to a particular week or day. As such, July ended up being an additional 6 pages to accommodate the weekly spreads.
I also wanted to give myself ample white space and I loved the extra breathing space the weeklies provided. So, without further ado, here’s my August setup:

This spread is pretty much the same as what I drafted, except I changed some of the habits. Across the bottom, here’s what I’m tracking:
a) blogging
b) YouTube
c) Bible reading / devotion time
d) copying Bible (in Chinese)
e) practicing German
f) learning Korean
g) playing an instrument
h) exercise
i) skincare
j) taking vitamins
k) no sugar
l) no alcohol
It’s a lot, but these are the things that are important to me this month.
I have to admit, I’m not a huge fan of the colours for this month. I considered bringing back the colours from June but I originally decided on these colours because I felt like August was the height of summer and thus should get sunny colours. I already drew in my colour scheme on my Key page, so… yep, I was committed.
If you have no idea what I’m referring to here, please check out my Bullet Journal Setup & half-June spread post and it’ll make a lot more sense haha. I think it still turned out okay in the end though.

I have a lot of space for my overall monthly to-do list. To be fair, since I’ve started using the weekly task spreads, I haven’t actually even filled in my small ‘to-do’ section of the main July spread, so this much space may be overkill, but that’s okay. I’m still new to this and experimenting.
This to-do list will track things I want to get done this month that I can’t immediately assign to any given week. That way I won’t forget about them and can flexibly add them to my weekly task lists as necessary.
On the right, I will have a Bible verse that I haven’t yet decided on. We’ll come back to that.

My July brain dump page has been primarily filled with ideas for dishes/recipes based on what we have in the fridge. It’s been pretty helpful actually. I loved having the double-page spread for July, so August is getting 2 pages as well.
The “brain dump” squiggly lines and font gives me June brain dump section vibes. I really liked what I did with that one, so I re-did it for this month.

And here’s my rolling weekly spread! The colours kinda worked better for the shades of green I had in July. I feel like the yellow highlighter is a bit bright against the orange, and in hindsight I should have stuck to using only the yellow pen to highlight the month names, but my pen was bleeding a bit too much on the paper already so I used a darker colour to try and cover that up.
Ah well, it’s a transition page so it isn’t too bad. For the week after, I’ll need to be more patient and let the highlighter dry fully before writing on it with my black pen heh heh. Then I’m sure it will look fine with just the yellow drop shadow.
I love my simple bullet journal so far :) Do you use a bullet journal too?
Muchos love,