Hey guys…
I’ve had this blog for a while now and believe me, I really, really love it. I’ve had friends and colleagues tell me they enjoy reading it and even kind comments from readers I’ve never met before, and I love that – thank you all so much. You have no idea how much that all means to me.
Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances I will no longer be able to blog. It breaks my heart to say, especially as I’ve just got back into blogging regularly. You have no idea how much I wish things could be different but it is with a heavy heart that I must now announce I have to shut down the blog.
I can’t tell you much about it, but I can only hope for your understanding and support.
Thanks so much for sticking with me for as long as you have. I hope this won’t truly be the end though so as soon as anything changes I’ll definitely keep you posted.
Take care, and don’t get into too much trouble in the mean time.
I’ll leave one last silly pic for you to make this a less painful goodbye. I did say I’d post some face-pulling photos after all. Please do click the read more below.
It’s now past midday so I can reveal it was an April Fool. But the post went up at 11:59 so it still counts. Hehe ;)
I’ve never done a proper April Fool’s prank before! Man that felt good, ha. Did I fool you?? Did I, did I??
Ehhem. Now that we’ve got that over with, let’s begin our December photo dump shall we.
December was a pretty cool month.
Who am I kidding? December was epic. It was Christmas!
I’m a Christian and it’s always wonderful to be reminded of the meaning of Christmas – the life-changing, historical event of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, who we believe to be the Son of God and saviour of the world.
But I do realise it’s a little late (or way too early) to be talking about that now.
However, do let me share my photos from the month with you! This one is incredibly photo-heavy. If you have slow internet (you poor dear), definitely feel free to go off, make some tea, wait for it to finish loading and then come back. Trust me, you will want to see the photos.
It’s the month of our annual company Christmas party-I mean holiday. This year, my company took us to Seville.
That’s right, my company. Took us. On a 3-day trip. To Spain. For our Christmas party.
Don’t mean to brag, but… brag brag brag! *Receives jealous glares* – too obnoxious? #sorrynotsorry

I’m conscious I don’t have explicit permission to include my colleagues in my blog so I’ll keep it fairly scenery-heavy. You wouldn’t mind, the architecture is stunning.

I wanted to be friends with this handsome chap but he said neigh :(

We went to the Alcázar of Seville, a palace for nobility and renowned for being the most beautiful palace in Spain. The above vines had some special meaning I forgot. *Best memory ever* – not.

The wall carvings are incredible…

Plain white T-shirt, super skinny Jeggings and lady biker Boots all from Asos, my lovely jacket was a steal buy from Sheinside (currently on sale for only $32!) and of course, my Ray-Bans.

I haven’t been to (m)any Alcázars, but I will easily believe this is the most beautiful. The palace itself was a stunning piece of majestic architecture, but the gardens were something else. Stepping into this felt like walking into paradise; it was simply breathtaking.

I actually had more photos but they were too large to upload! Plus this post is getting long. Plus you really can’t appreciate how beautiful the gardens were through pictures. So, I won’t upload them.
We then moved on to the Seville Cathedral. It’s in the Guinness Book of Records for being the largest Cathedral in the world. And it is stunning. Photos don’t do it justice, so I’m not uploading any. You will just have to go visit for yourself.
You think I am joking. I kid you not. Okay you can have one pic.

Now go!
We also climbed to the top of the Gilralda Bell Tower (access within the Cathedral) and I got some beautiful snaps of the city at a height of 104.1m (that’s a lot of ft for metric readers). But again, not sharing. YOU MUST GO VISIT. Okay?
But Bobbie!! Where’s the food??
Sorry, feeding 70 mouths in Seville was no small feat. In fact, finding a restaurant that could seat that many people was a mammoth task in itself. Limited restaurants, limited food options = average meals. The food will not feature I’m afraid.
We went on a boat cruise, had our annual ‘treasure hunt’ in the Jardines de las Reales Alcazares (the most beautiful garden I’ve ever been in, bar none, which I would have totally enjoyed more and taken more photos of had I not a) been freezing my butt off or b) running around like a headless chicken with our team trying to complete our treasure hunt challenges) and ate dinner in the historic 5* luxury hotel, Hotel Alfonso XIII.

I thoroughly recommend a visit and will stop this post here. Too much happened in December okay?? Well, I took way too many photos anyway. The boyf makes another appearance in the next post. See you soon!
Muchos love,