…chop your hair off!
Haha. It’s getting really hot these days, I am about a month away from having a baby and fully intend to do confinement afterwards, including not washing my hair for a while. I am no stranger to grabbing a pair of scissors and chopping off my hair in front of my bathroom mirror, so last night I figured, “Why not?”
The plan had been to cut my hair next month so that if the haircut sucked no one would see me for a month anyway. But things don’t always go according to plan! I couldn’t sleep well a couple of nights ago and ended up looking up the wolf cut that went viral a while back. So I tried it!
I was going to cut my hair short anyway so decided to first try out the wolf cut on a lesser amount of hair before I did the real cut (what can I say, I was curious). And honestly? I am pretty darn impressed. The back is actually pretty even with some light layers, whaaat! My initial chop looked lop-sided so I had to fix up the cut a little before untying the “unicorn”. But, darn, that’s not bad!
Before & after from the front:
The difference isn’t too noticeable since I didn’t take off a massive amount, but you can see more layers framing my face, and it’s shorter, of course. I’m not a massive fan of how the layers turned out in the front to be honest; you can see where my strip of white hair basically becomes a horizontal cut, making it look choppy.
But that would have been easy to fix since I would have been able to see exactly what I was doing. If I were to have kept this cut, I would have softened the layers in the front so it blends in better with the rest of the hair. Alas, I had other plans…

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